10 Best Yoga Asanas for Women

10 Best Yoga Asanas for Women
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While the whole world is talking about yoga and its benefits, are you confused about from where to start and how to start? Well, we will make this task easy for you. This International Yoga Day, we bring to you 10 best yoga asanas that help in the well-being of women.

1.  Trikonasana (Triangle)

Trikonasana is one of those postures that bring to your body many benefits. It improves the flexibility of your spine; it helps with the alignment of your shoulders; it relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area, but don’t forget you need to practice each posture on the left and right site – balancing your postures is very important.

With the practice of this posture you will notice many improvements, but especially for your posture.

Make sure, you practice this asana empty stomach only.


 2. Savasana (Corpse)

Savasana is one of the most important postures. It is meant to rejuvenate your mind and body after practice while also allowing you to shift your attention to your inner self.

The benefits of this asana include lowering your blood pressure, calming you and giving your body the opportunity to absorb all of the benefits you worked out for.


 3. Natarajasana (King Dancer)

Natarajasana pose strengthens your legs, improves balance and core strength while also stretches your shoulders and improves your focus.

It is one of the most graceful asana


 4. Chaturanga (Four Limbed Staff)

Chaturanga yoga pose strengthens your arms, wrists and abdomen. It is also a good preparation pose for more challenging arm balancing poses.


 5. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

The Sukhasana may seem as an easy pose but it has many benefits for the body.

For example, it is a hip opener, it is calming, and it eases the menstrual pain for women in addition to lowering the level of anxiety.

While doing this posture, make sure your spine is straightened.


 6. Balasana (Child Pose)

The Balasana is a resting pose useful to relieve neck, back and hip strain.

While in the posture you should have slow are regulated breath; extended arms; resting hips and your forehead should be touching the mat. You can always  return to this pose as at it is one of the most restorative and calming pose


Please note that pregnant women and those suffering from high blood pressure should avoid doing Balasana.


 7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)

The Adho Mukha Svanasana yoga pose lengthens and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstrings, strengthens your arms, flushes your brain with fresh oxygen and calms your mind.


Avoid doing this asana during pregnancy, or in case you are suffering from neck or back issue.


 8. Tadasana (Mountain pose)

Tadasana is also known as mountain pose, and it is one of the best yoga asanas.

Practising this yoga asana regularly every morning gives a good massage to our hands, back, spine and the whole body. This is the most recommended asana for increasing height as well.

Remember that you should have had your meal at least 4-6 hours before doing this Asana.


 9. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The Dhanurasana pose helps in reducing the belly fat very easily. It strengthens the ankles, thighs, groins, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord.

This yoga posture improves the functions of kidney, pancreas, liver, small and big intestine. It also acts as a stress reliever and gives flexibility to the back. It improves the function of digestion and removes gases.

You should not be doing this asana if you have migraine or headache problem.


 10. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

A full round of Surya Namaskar is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses, with a change in the second set where the opposing leg is moved first.

It improves flexibility, strength, balance, reduces stress and anxiety, reduces  symptoms of lower back pain, shortens labour and improves birth outcomes, and reduces sleep disturbances and hypertension. It also increases energy and decreases fatigue and are very beneficial for asthma & chronic diseases. This is a basic yoga asana to stretch your legs and reduce weight.

Always do warm up before beginning with Surya Namaskar.