Tips for Managing Chronic Pain, advice from medical doctor Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee

Tips for Managing Chronic Pain, advice from medical doctor Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee
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In his new article, Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee looks at ways to better manage chronic pain.

WILDOMAR, Calif.: Not only is chronic pain a disease that is hard to understand for most patients, but it is even harder to live with. Most patients that suffer from this kind of pain find it extremely hard to explain their condition to their loved ones and the other people in their life. The pain hinders them from taking part in physical activities and being physically active. They feel naturally frustrated and at a loss of options during treatment.

Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee, who focuses on Pain Management, shares his thoughts in a new article, which is available on his blog at

Knowing just how frustrating chronic pain can get, here we look at some of the ways you can manage it. Follow these tips for managing your chronic pain in a better manner:

You need to start by accepting the pain and the condition as it is. While understanding the pain is a tough job to do, it can reduce the emotional stress that you undergo while suffering from the pain. Many pain psychologists that study the reaction patients give towards pain have noted that the first step to managing chronic pain is to accept that you suffer from the pain. Accepting the gravity of what you are suffering from can help you manage pain in a better manner altogether.

Only after you have accepted the pain in its entirety, can you work towards achieving a calming technique that truly works. The calming technique you choose should help you get over the symptoms of pain you are suffering from, and feel energized.

Learning a clever relaxation technique for getting over your pain can be a good method to feel better about yourself. You can practice techniques such as muscle relaxation, mindfulness, yoga, and tai chi, among many others. You don't have a secret formula for one right or wrong mindfulness technique. All you have to take care of here is that the technique should make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Most patients that suffer from chronic pain are running low on energy levels. They don't have the capability to withstand pangs of pain within them and are unable to stay steady through any such instance.

Knowing that you're going to be low on energy, it will only benefit you to save that energy for the loved ones that matter in your life. This way, you will not just be happy with what is happening around you, but you will also be able to keep emotional trauma at bay for certain periods.

It is good to have goals during chronic illnesses, but those goals should be realistic and achievable. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself can work against you, as you will soon start expecting a lot from your recovery period.

Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee is the Founder and Medical Director of Pacific Pain Care in Corona and Wildomar, California.