The Muslim Women of Spoken Word Are Coming

The Muslim Women of Spoken Word Are Coming

Washington, DC: Celebrate diversity and creativity of thought through diction in the 7th year presentation of The Muslim Women of Spoken Word. Join in the journey of a plethora of amazing spoken word artists from various cultural and geographical backgrounds who, although they are connected by the strings of Islam and gender, their experiences are radically different thus enabling the hues and the shades they see of the world to filter through their experiences of personal empowerment and emotions that has been colored, shaded and polished by pallets of their individual journeys through life.

Take advantage of this opportunity to listen to their electrifying experiences as Muslim women as conveyed through their love of the arts. Understand and feel their disappointments, joys and desires as they bare their unfiltered experiences with glimpse of their souls... their stories words that only they can utter.

Since 2010, Crescent Moon Nights has produced six installments of "The Muslim Women of Spoken Word" in Washington, DC and Philly, PA, and each year the production value only gets stronger. They are infused with more than spoken word... music and creative variety add unique layers of depth that can only be found in these exciting new productions. This performance will give the opportunity to break down barriers and shatter misconceptions while at the same time build bridges between people from all walks of life. 

Additional information can be found about the event and the artists at April 28th @ 6:00 PM.