Various Health Benefit of Summer Fruit Watermelon!

Various Health Benefit of Summer Fruit Watermelon!
Health Benefit of Summer Fruit Watermelon!

Various Health Benefit of Summer Fruit Watermelon!

Fruits are juicy, refreshing and delicious. They are also high in fibre, contain natural sugars and help keep unwanted cravings away. We already know that we should include variety of them in our diet but not every fruit is equal when it comes to nutritional value . There are some fruit that are higher in fibre and pectin. Both work as natural fat burners that can help to boost your metabolism and and help weight loss . These fruits are loaded with Vitamin ,minerals and antioxidant are low in fat and calories. To lose weight you need to take less  calories but that doesn't mean that you have to eat less.

Watermelon - Who does not love having a crispy juicy slice of Watermelon Especially when it is hot outside .  "Moores Says" Its a wonderful way to satisfy thirst and yen a something sweet. "This juicy fruit provide only  30 calories per 100 grams and keeps you hydrated . It is rich in amino acid arginine which helps in burning fat .

There are reasons behind why watermelon is best Summer Fruit .

Low calories – Watermelon are extremely are low in calories . You would be surprised to know that 100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 Calories and 0 present saturated fat.

Fills You Up: Did you know water melons are 92 % water? So, load up on watermelons without guilt. The decent amount of fibre content of water melon also helps aid weight loss. Fibre takes time to digest, which means it stays in your system for long, and gives you a feeling of fullness.

Consume them in Salad – You can make yourself a freshly food salad with freshly cut watermelons. You can also mix some KIWI in that to make it more delicious.

 Detox Drinks: Watermelons make for great excellent detox foods, too. Their high water content is extremely mineralising, and has a great alkalising and diuretic effect. Make yourself a refreshing watermelon juice or blend it in a soothe with other healthy fruits and herbs like kiwi and mint.

Seeds are Beneficial: We usually throw away the seeds because we don’t know how beneficial it is too for our health "Watermelon seeds are rich in lysine, which can work wonders for diabetics." The seeds are low in calories, rich in magnesium, iron and folate, which are an extremely important nutrient for expecting mothers.

Full with Antioxidants- Watermelon is full of the antioxidants you need to fight back against free radical damage and prevent inflammation. In addition, it has one of the highest concentrations of lycopene of any fruit.

Keeps You Energized and Hydrated- Watermelon Keeps you energized and hydrate  When You Work because it has “water” in it. It’s loaded with water to keep you hydrated when you work out. Plus, it’s an excellent source of the electrolytes, sodium and potassium you need to help the body run strong. Watermelon is also rich in Vitamin B, which is necessary for energy production.

Disease Fighter- Because watermelon is full of antioxidants and has helpful vitamins, it has been shown to fight a number of diseases. It helps to battle back against heart disease, arthritis, asthma, as well as several types of cancers. Now, that’s a powerful fruit!