Unidentifiable body found in canal in Noida

Unidentifiable body found in canal in Noida
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Noida (UP): The body of an unidentified man, who appeared to have died five to six days ago, was fished out of a canal near Greater Noida on Monday, police said.

The body was found in the Mirzapur canal, under Rabupura police station limits, an official said.

"The body was recovered around 3 pm. It appears five to six days old. The man is only wearing black trousers and has 'Boby Deol' tattooed on the right arm," Station House Officer, Rabupura, Vineet Kumar said.

The body has been sent for post-mortem and report is awaited, he said.

Efforts have been made to ascertain the identity but there has been no success so far, he said, adding that the police have appealed to the public for help in identifying the deceased.