Tips to Get Flawless Skin in 15 Days

Tips to Get Flawless Skin in 15 Days
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“Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle.” - Erno Laszlo

Every girl dreams of a flawless clear healthy skin. To achieve this ain’t a difficult task at all. All you have to do is to change your lifestyle and adopt certain healthy habits in your lifestyle. We have compiled a few tips for our readers to get a healthy flawless skin in 15 days.

Tip 1: Keep yourself hydrated


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The thumb rule for a healthy skin is to keep your body hydrated by drinking loads of water throughout the day. You should drink at least 3-4liters of water in a day. Start your day by drinking glassful lukewarm water. At night, before going off to sleep, make sure that you drink glassful of lukewarm water, this would also help in good digestion. Also, keep your skin moisturized.

Tip 2: Remove your makeup before sleeping

Before hitting the bed at night, make sure that you have removed the entire make up you were wearing from your face. Use good quality of face wipes or cleansing milk to remove the makeup Do not use any face cream or serum on your face (until recommended by your dermatologist). You should let your skin breathe throughout the night.

Tip 3: Sleep on clean pillows

Make sure that the pillow covers of your pillows on which you are sleeping are clean. Change them at least once a week. Use good quality of detergent to wash them. Dirty pillow covers have harmful bacteria that get transferred to your skin and causes skin problems like acne et al.

Tip 4: Use good quality of products

To have a healthy skin, you should use good quality chemical-free products. Don’t get fooled by the lucrative advertisements and celebrity endorsements. Read the label of the product very carefully before using it. It is not at all necessary that all the costly products will be chemical-free and good for your skin. Use only the products that suit your skin type.

Tip 5: Regular work outs

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Including regular workout in your daily routine not only keep your body weight under control but also add the glow to your skin. It has a positive impact on your mind, body and skin. Regular workout helps in lowering the stress hormone, Cortisol. This hormone is also responsible for skin aging, clogged pores and breakouts.

Tip 6: Eat a balanced diet

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Avoid binging on the easily available options junk food like Pizza, Burger, and Waffers et al. They are really harmful for your body and skin. They not only add extra calories but also accelerate glycation in your skin which results in skin break outs. To avoid acnes and have a soft –supple skin, include loads of green vegetables, fruits and lentils in your diet.

Tip 7: Get proper and enough sleep at night


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Once you hit the bed at night, make sure that all your gadgets are switched off so that you don’t have any distractions. Sleep on clean bedding.  A good night sleep helps in relaxing your mind and repairing the damaged cells of your skin.