The ICPC Extends its Deadline for the 2020 Plenary Call for Papers

The ICPC Extends its Deadline for the 2020 Plenary Call for Papers
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LYMINGTON, United Kingdom: The International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) announces there is still opportunity to participate in its three-day, well-attended Plenary and invites presentation abstracts from ICPC Members, the science and legal communities, and interested parties in response to the ‘Call for Papers’. The ICPC requests speakers to submit abstracts for proposed presentations by Friday, 14 February 2020.

Under the theme: ‘ICPC 2020 Vision: Reliability, Security, Resilience and Sustainability of vital international submarine cables,’ the global submarine cable community will unite in Madrid, Spain from 28-30 April to engage in conversations regarding the protection of submarine cables—the backbone of the Internet. With international participation, the ICPC Plenary provides an excellent opportunity to connect with submarine cable owners, suppliers, installers, surveyors, academics and service providers regarding the planning, installation, operation, protection and maintenance of submarine cables. Take the first step in your own participation and submit your abstract today!

Based on the 2020 ICPC Plenary theme, recommended topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Reliability: How science, engineering, survey and planning developments enhance the reliability of submarine cable systems
  • Security: Sharing the burden of keeping critical international infrastructure secure by working with authorities, stakeholders and other seabed users
  • Resilience: Protecting international telecommunications and power cable systems through collaboration, innovative design and optimum routing
  • Sustainability: Better science, technology, law, manufacturing, installation and repair so submarine cables remain neutral to benign in the marine environment