Differently-abled man shot dead in Varanasi

Differently-abled man shot dead in Varanasi
Image source: Google

Varanasi (UP): A 30-year-old shopkeeper, who is differently-abled, was allegedly shot dead by two men in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi district on Tuesday, police said.

Dinesh Patel used to run a betel shop at Madwa village in Varanasi Cantonment police station area. Two bike-borne men came to his shop and enquired about his brother, the police said.

The accused then shot Patel and fled from the spot, the police said.

Following the incident, irate villagers refused to handover the body to the police. They put the body on the middle of the road and raised slogans against the police.

Senior Superintendent of Police Anand Kulkarni rushed to the spot with a large police force and pacified the protesters. The villagers handed over the body after the district police chief assured strict action against the culprits.

The body has been sent for post-mortem and an investigation is underway, the police said.

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