A Guide to New Year Resolutions for a Successful 2020

A Guide to New Year Resolutions for a Successful 2020
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The year 2019 is coming to an end and another year is about to begin. It is not only the end of another year of ups and downs but it is also the end of an entire decade. Every year thousands of people make New Year resolutions with the hope of bringing a positive change in their lives. The most common New Year resolutions are to lose weight, to adopt a healthy lifestyle, to learn a new skill for professional and personal development.

Now, as we reflect back on the events that have happened in the past year, we should use this opportunity to learn from the past and become a better person in the future.

Below are some of the best New Year Resolutions which will mold you into a better person.

In the year 2020, we suggest you learn to be happy with yourself, live your life to the fullest, and make the world a better place to live in with these achievable New Year resolutions for the next year.

1. I will smile more.

2. I will spend more time with family and friends.

3. I will appreciate myself.

4. I will strive hard to make my dreams come true.

5. I will learn a new skill.

If you want to achieve your goals and aspirations and be successful you should follow the below given steps.

Step 1: Be Mentally Prepare for the Change

Most of our habits are so ingrained and fixed that it is impossible to change ourselves overnight. So, before heading towards following your New Year's resolutions, it is necessary to prepare ourselves mentally for that impending change.

There may be many aspects of your life where there may be a lack of progress, but don't forget to appreciate yourself for the little achievements or progress you have made. Hence, find some small way to celebrate your little accomplishments.

As you think about the changes you want to bring out try to do the following:

  • Try to stay positive
  • Always remember that change has to be gradual
  • Always start with smaller changes

Step 2: Be Practical

Instead of making resolutions like you want to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year you can decide to be more active today than you were yesterday. If you are a person who rarely exercises, then start doing simple exercises at the beginning like walking around your building block and gradually increase it. The main aim here is to build a habit step by step until it becomes a regular practice. Once you are able to put it into practice it becomes your second nature.

Step 3: Limit the Number of Resolutions


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A common thing we all do is having too many resolutions. We cannot dedicate so much attention to self-improvement so setting too many resolutions will not enable us to achieve the goals. Thus, you should have a shortlist of resolutions that you can handle in the upcoming year.

Step 4: Divide Big Goals into Smaller Ones

Due to our over eagerness in setting goals, we may take on a goal that is too big to achieve. Therefore, it is better to divide a big goal into smaller goals that are possible to achieve.

Step 5: Pen down your Goals

It may be great to have wonderful goals, but it is more important to note them down in some way.

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