Work From Home While Being Quarantined

Work From Home While Being Quarantined
Image source: Google

Under the abnormal circumstances we find ourselves in now, having a schedule isn’t just helpful, it is essential. It will mean the difference between feeling like you have no grounding and sense of direction, leading you to waste huge amounts of time each day, and developing a sense of clarity, purpose, and productivity.

To help you realign your time, here are five key building blocks to designing an effective schedule in this stressful climate:

  • Setup a proper workstation. Experts recommend setting aside a workspace to get you into "work" mode. If you don't, switch up where you're working when you start to feel like you're no longer being productive in your chosen spot.
  • Create a time that you're "in office" every day, and be prepared to start working at that time. Then, decide on a time that you "leave" for the day and mark both on your calendar.
  • If you’re not only working from home but also have your kids at home, you’ll need to build a new schedule for both yourself and your family. You can do this by setting aside specific times for meals, physical activity, learning, and play.
  • Given the huge amount of uncertainty right now, setting aside intentional time to recharge is essential. People limit their time on social media or watching the news. Instead, try to find something each day that brings you true relaxation. It could be exercise, praying, reading, listening to music, spending time with your family, or doing a creative hobby.
  • Set yourself small, achievable goals. Do not try to do too much at once. Focus on one issue at a time, then reward yourself with a coffee break or hanging the washing out. Stick to your working hours, only focus on a task at a time and get it done.
  • Don’t let yourself get hungry. Have a proper breakfast and lunchtime and don’t let it stretch into the afternoon. You need regular sustenance.

We all need to take a break from work and have a element of normalcy amid this chaos. As they say, it will get worse before it gets better, but it’s essential to keep things in perspective, still do an excellent job at work, and not let this lockdown get the best of us and our humanity.