Woman gang-raped in Rajasthan

Woman gang-raped in Rajasthan
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Jaipur: A woman was allegedly raped by three men when she stepped out of her house to attend nature's call in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, police said on Monday.

The incident took place on May 24, they said.

The victim, who is married, had gone out with her sister to attend nature's call. The main accused, Devekaran Gurjar, and two others threatened to kill her, forcibly took her to a secluded place on a tractor and raped her there, Station House Officer (SHO), Makrana, Roshan Lal Samaria said.

A case was registered in the matter on the basis of the complaint lodged by the woman on Sunday. The three accused, who are from the victim's village, have been booked under sections 376D (gang rape) and 365 (kidnapping) of the Indian Penal Code and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, he said.

The victim's statement was recorded after a medical examination. No arrests have been made so far, the SHO said.