The Natural Healing Power of Human Body

The Natural Healing Power of Human Body
Image source: Google

Many of us may not be even acquainted with the fact that the human body possesses the capacity to heal itself. It is present with all of us and is not exclusive. The reason we never associate with it or may not think of this as a possibility to recover from major illnesses is because,

‘We are burdened with dozens of pills’!

The most fundamental unit of the human body is the cell. All human life originally begins as one single cell, which then divides into many more cells, until a baby is born after nine months of cell division inside the mother’s uterus.

The cells in our bodies are endlessly working to bring us back to a natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium. When we turn to medicines or physical manipulations of our body’s systems to heal us, we are really only facilitating our bodies’ natural ability to heal from within.

Each cell is a dynamic, living unit that is constantly monitoring and adjusting its own processes, ongoingly working to restore itself according to the original DNA code it was created with, and to maintain balance within the body. Cells have the ability to heal themselves, as well as make new cells that replace those that have been permanently damaged or destroyed. Even when a large number of cells are destroyed- the surrounding cells replicate to make new cells, thereby quickly replacing the cells that were destroyed.

The power of our body’s natural healing process is truly magical!

When a bleeding injury occurs anywhere in our bodies, blood vessels at the site contract and slow the bleeding. Next, blood platelets which come in contact with air, begin forming a blood clot where the injury is located. White blood cells then accumulate at the spot, and destroy and digest dead cells by secreting special enzymes stored in small packets in the cells called lysosomes. That way, dead-cell debris is removed and new space is made for new cells to occupy.

Almost simultaneously, the process of new cell formation begins. These new cells originate mostly from the newer layers of cells of a particular tissue, while older cells are pushed to the site of the injury, to gradually fill the space that was made by the injury. This remarkable and complex process automatically stops when the healing is complete.

The definition of a free radical is any atom or molecule that has either a surplus or an insufficient number of electrons in its outer shell, making it unstable and highly reactive. Free radicals exist within the body’s cells, and they are a normal part of the process of making energy within the cell (i.e., metabolism). A small percentage of the oxygen that is used to make energy, goes to making free radicals.

Free radicals chew up waste resulting from damage to the cell’s genetic code storage (the nucleus) or to the cytoplasm (the cell’s body, excluding the nucleus). But if free radical numbers become excessive, they create disease. Factors that increase the production of free radicals in our cells include inflammation, infection, and extreme stress.

This healing process is not just for injuries. It also takes care of normal, everyday wear, and tear. Damaged, destroyed, or dead cells are replaced in great numbers daily from our view, mouth, intestines, and blood.

There's a clear connection between the way your brain thinks and the way your body feels. Just like you can use your body to reduce your psychological distress, you can also use your mind to improve your body.

Simply changing the way you think and taking charge of what occupies your mind, can improve your physical health and well-being. While positive thinking won't cure everything, a healthy mindset is a key component to a healthy body.

Here are a few ways you can use your mind to promote physical health:

1. Make Your Treatments More Effective By Expecting Them to Work

Countless studies show the placebo effect influences the effectiveness of treatment. If someone tells you a pill will cure your headache, you're likely to find the treatment helpful even if the pill was a sugar pill.

Whether you're trying physical therapy for a bad knee, or you're seeing a chiropractor for pain in your back, your belief that those treatments will work may be more effective than the treatment themselves. So before you undergo any kind of treatment, think about all the reasons the treatment is likely to help.

2. Sleep Better By Writing in a Gratitude Journal

If you're struggling with insomnia, a gratitude journal might be the best cure. Several studies have linked gratitude to better quality and longer-lasting sleep.

Identify three things you're grateful for and write them in a gratitude journal before you go to bed. Conjuring up feelings of thankfulness right before you fall asleep will increase the chances you'll get a good night's rest.

3. Live Longer By Focusing On Your Purpose in Life

Feeling like you have a sense of purpose could actually increase the length of your life. Studies consistently show people who believe their lives are meaningful are more likely to live healthier, longer lives.

Whether your work gives you a purpose, or you find meaning as a volunteer, make sure whatever you're doing matters. Feeling like you have a reason to get out of bed every day might be the secret to longevity.

4. Be Optimistic and Boost Your Immunity

Several studies have shown that optimistic people are less likely to get sick. For decades, many researchers thought the boost in immunity stemmed from the fact that optimistic people were more likely to take care of their health.

But, more recent studies have shown that a hopeful outlook is actually what influences immunity. Looking on the bright side makes you less likely to get a cold or infection because optimism keeps your immune system performing at its peak.

5. Slow Aging with Meditation

Meditation provides a generous buffer against the harmful effects stress can have on the body. Numerous studies have shown meditation slows the rate of cellular aging.

Not only might meditation help you stay looking youthful, but it could help you ward off age-related disease. Researchers suspect teaching children to meditate could provide lifelong benefits. But no matter what age you are, it's never too late to gain some health benefits from meditation.

6. Build Muscle by Imagining Yourself Working Out

What if you could get buff by imagining yourself lifting weights? Well, researchers have found that mental imagery can help you gain muscle without lifting a finger.

One study, in particular, found that people who imagined themselves working out were able to gain 24% more muscle strength. People who actually lifted weights saw better results, but the research shows mental training can provide some serious changes to muscle mass.

7. Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease by Laughing

If you want to build a healthier heart, think about something funny. Research shows laughter decreases stress hormones, increases 'good' cholesterol, and reduces artery inflammation.

Perhaps laughter really is the best medicine. And the best news is, the positive effects of laughter last 24 hours.

Another way in which we can greatly improve our body’s powerful self-healing properties is by eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet.

It is important to minimize our consumption of processed foods, as well as artificial food additives, preservatives, colorants, flavours, etc.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, and low in animal fats and hydrogenated oils, is best for all of us. Lean sources of protein such as beans are also great. Nuts and seeds are rich in nutrients and fiber and have beneficial oils.

Many nutritionists agree that eating raw vegetables is preferable to cooking them, as they have the most nutritional value when they’re in their raw state. However, lightly steaming vegetables is also good. If you add vegetables to a meat soup, add them after the meat has been cooked for 30 minutes or longer; leave vegetables to cook for 10-15 minutes only. Fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, and many others) are also packed with antioxidants (free-radical fighters), add great taste, and can be added to dishes and soups after dish or soup has been cooked.

Organic foods are preferable over non-organic, as they have fewer traces of pesticides and growth hormones.

In addition, organic fruits and vegetables have been found to have higher contents of flavonoids, plant compounds with antioxidant properties believed to aid in the prevention of cancer.

While exercise and building physical strength is very important but we tend to overlook the need and value of mental strength.

Everyone has the ability to build mental strength. With practice, mental exercises could be the key to living a longer, happier life.

Sometimes, it doesn’t take drastic changes. It’s the simple lifestyle changes that count.