Invisalign: One Stop Solution For A Great Smile

Invisalign: One Stop Solution For A Great Smile
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Many studies indicate that the mouth and eyes are the facial features that most capture attention face to face, at the first moment. A good smile is crucial to improving interpersonal relationships, and it is also essential for food and the state of health in general. It is a trait of well-being. In addition, with an improvement of the teeth, it is possible to reduce, on many occasions, the chances of suffering depression or anxiety. Invisalign solves the problem of tooth position, but when the patient has small, very dark or altered teeth, it does not matter that you move them because they are still wrong. Micro primers come to solve problems of shape, color, size and texture. Sometimes, we combine the two treatments: moving the position and correcting teeth. Get free Invisalign consultation at Invis London orthodontic clinic.

What are digital microcards, and how are they different from those known so far?

There are several types of porcelain and ceramics, but digital manufacturing allows us to use materials that could not be used with conventional techniques before. They are more resistant, lithium silicate, and improve aesthetics. We can scan the shape of the patient's mouth digitally without using print pastes like the ones we traditionally knew and unpleasant for the patient. With that image, the teeth' shapes, sizes, and textures are designed digitally by computer, and it is a machine finally, the 3D printer, that manufactures the ceramics. The last part of the process, the finishing of the ceramic braces, is always manual or artistic.

The technology we use allows us to perform the micro-veneers in 72 hours and is comfortable for the patient when traditionally it took at least a month. We serve them with microscopes, so it is a non-invasive technique, and we do not have to touch the original teeth; you no longer have to wear them as before.

How long do digital microcards last?

They have a long duration of around 20 years and up to 30 years in some cases. The problem is not that the microcolles wear out, but that the body ages and may have to be retouched because of the passage of time and the changes it produces in the lips, gum and bones.

With the pandemic and the use of the mask, is there less interest in showing off a smile?

By wearing the mask, we are more aware of our problems in the mouth, mainly because of the smells. Because when there is a bad smell, there is a problem of infection, and it is necessary to consult with the specialist. On the other hand, by having more time at home, we look more in the mirror and see ourselves more in videoconferences, we are more aware of ourselves and our well-being.

What are the moral problems arising from the use of the mask?

The problem with the mask is that we breathe much less oxygen in good condition. In these moments, when the mouth is covered and a little aerated, some microorganisms reproduce much faster. Our advice is essential: keep the area of the mouth and teeth as clean as possible, especially after eating food with a brush, paste, mouthwash, and dental floss and take into account that the most important thing is the mechanical part of the brushing. The others are useless if we do not use the brush well.

How do you brush your teeth?

It is advisable to use a soft brush to avoid tooth wear and aggression to the gums and use it at least three times a day.

You have to avoid brushing as you sweep the floor, from front to back, since that movement produces retractions in the gums and problems in the teeth. We advise brushing from top to bottom, from the gum to the tooth. It is also interesting now with Covid-19 to complete the cleaning by brushing the tongue with a lingual scraper because it is where many germs accumulate, and a professional cleaning every six months.