Four Must-have Gadgets For Health And Safety During This Pandemic

Four Must-have Gadgets For Health And Safety During This Pandemic
Image source: Google

The Coronavirus pandemic has been a crisis, unlike any other. The pandemic hasn't just impacted the world economy; it has also changed how people work, travel, and socialise. While many companies of various sectors have allowed their workforce to work from home to keep people safe and isolated from this contagious disease, there are some for whom work from home is not a viable option. These companies need their workforce in the office to survive the crisis. So whether you are working from home or working from the office, it is highly essential that you are taking all the necessary precautions and aiming for maximum safety and security. Here we have compiled a list of four gadgets that can take your health and safety one step further during this pandemic.

1. Airtamer
Whether you are staying at home or going out for work, every added safety measure is welcome. While there may not be a guaranteed way of ensuring a hundred percent protection, there are ways through which a person can tackle airborne viruses to a great extent. Airtamer is one such gadget that can create a security bubble of air around your head. Airtamer, a high-performance rechargeable personal air purifier and has been lab-tested at various internationally recognised and independent laboratories for protection against airborne viruses. These tests have also proven the effectiveness of Airtamer against viruses and pollution. This compact and wearable gadget will add an extra layer of security and safety when you venture out and save you from pollution as well, whether you are outside or at home. It utilises electrostatic purification to create a 3-foot sphere of cleaner, healthier air around your head and can last you around 150 hours for a single charge. The innovative device is available on Amazon and can also be ordered from GlobalKart.


2. Breo 

Companies across all sectors are in an overdrive to deter the impact caused by the pandemic and are trying to make up the revenues lost during the lockdown, and this has led to a high workload on many. Those who work behind a computer are dealing with an increased screen time.

This increased screen time has been negatively affecting the eyes of many. But worry not, Breo ISee4 is the perfect gadget that can provide much-needed relief to your eyes. Breo ISee4 a Wireless Digital Eye Massager with Heat Compression and Assuasive Music that is designed to massage the muscles around the eyes. It is powered by a rechargeable 800mAh Li-ion battery and comes with three massage modes. To order it just go on to Amazon or GlobalKart.


3. UV Light Sanitiser Bar or Box

With no signs of the pandemic slowing, protecting yourself from germs is as important as ever. One of the biggest threats of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the virus isn't just airborne it can even contaminate surfaces and stay virulent even for days. This makes it essential for sanitizing frequently touched surfaces like those of your laptop, mobile, doorknobs, etc. The problem with sanitising electronic gadgets is that the usual alcohol-based sanitizers can cause damage to them. UV light sanitizer bars and boxes are an alternative that can solve this problem. UV sanitizer bars are simple sticks with a UV light attached to one end that can sanitise any surface using UV-C light.

UV Light sanitizer box is based on a similar mechanism as the UV light sanitizer bar. You put the device inside the box within a few seconds it will kill off all germs. Such UV based sanitizers are now widely available across all e-retail platforms.


4. Pulse Oximeter
Once COVID-19 enters the body through the respiratory system, it can cause inflammation in the lungs and pneumonia — both of which can negatively impact oxygen levels in the blood. Outwardly people may seem non-asymptomatic while the disease might be spreading inside. There is a device that can monitor the oxygen level in the blood known as a pulse oximeter. To be clear, it is not a screening test but a helpful tool for monitoring your oxygen levels. A pulse oximeter is a small, lightweight device that attaches painlessly to your fingertip to measure your pulse rate and how much oxygen is in your system. The device is available for purchase from chemists and various e-retail platforms.
