Electrical problem strikes Iran's Natanz nuclear facility

Electrical problem strikes Iran's Natanz nuclear facility
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Tehran: Iran's Natanz nuclear site suffered a problem Sunday involving its electrical distribution grid just hours after starting up new advanced centrifuges that more quickly enrich uranium, state TV reported.

It was the latest incident to strike one of Tehran's most-secured sites amid negotiations over a tattered atomic accord with world powers.

State TV quoted Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for Iran's civilian nuclear program, announcing the incident.

Kamalvandi said there were no injuries or pollution caused by the incident.

The word state television used in its report attributed to Kamalvandi in Farsi can be used for both accident and incident.

It didn't immediately clarify the report, which ran at the bottom of its screen on its live broadcast. The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, the civilian arm of its nuclear program, did not immediately issue a formal statement about the incident on its website.

Natanz suffered a mysterious explosion in July that authorities later described as sabotage. Israel, Iran's regional archenemy, has been suspected of carrying out an attack there, as well as launching other assaults, as world powers now negotiate with Tehran in Vienna over its nuclear deal.