The Urban Stampede: Virtual Edition Transforms your Limits

The Urban Stampede: Virtual Edition Transforms your Limits

Bangalore, Karnataka: For the first time, we are dealing with a unique challenge to our health and wellness. The pandemic has forced a majority of the population to work within the four walls of their home. At the start, we enjoyed a change from the traditional work atmosphere, the lack of a long commute, and revelled in the comfort of our homes. 

However, as a ‘new normal’ emerges, the question arises. Is the health of the average employee adversely impacted as they work from home?

Physical activity is at an all-time low. To maintain their overall fitness; people are using online fitness classes or webinars to stay fit. Digital connectivity has turned out to be our saving grace and we’re able to meet most of our needs without leaving the house.

However, as we adjust to the ‘new normal’ people are venturing outdoors with caution – masked and armed with sanitizers. It may be time to reclaim our spaces in a cautious manner. The need for a safe mode of exercise during this time has cast the spotlight on one activity- running!

Running can be performed solo, away from crowds, and requires only a pair of comfy shoes. It’s also suitable for people of different ages, fitness levels and can be done anywhere at any time. Most importantly it can also provide what most indoor workouts cannot: a dose of vitamin D and mental respite from staying indoors constantly.

The best part of running is that it can also inspire people to run together even when they are apart. As we depend on technology to bridge the gap in the new normal, runners discovered a way to combine fitness and strengthening bonds with a virtual run!

This virtual twist on running leaves the choice of the track up to the runners. They can run in their homes, terraces, gardens, local parks, roads, or even on treadmills. It moves away from the traditional idea of a running track to include spaces that are easily accessible.

The Urban Stampede originated in 2008 in collaboration with Runners for Life and its parent company, The Fuller Life. The primary aim behind the Urban Stampede was simple; to get corporate India moving and help reach their health goals with ease.
As corporate India faces a new normal, it was time to help organizations get them moving once more.
This year, the Urban Stampede: virtual edition was launched to enable beginners and running enthusiasts to step outdoors for a new running experience. The latest edition of the Urban Stampede helps your organization stay connected with their health and each other as they run towards the finish line.

Give your employees an experience that is more than just a run. Sign up for the 2.5K, 5K, 10K, and team tandem relay. The weeks before the run include newsletters, training plans and webinars. A key highlight of the Urban Stampede: virtual edition is its affordability with prices starting at just Rs. 49 per head. The last date to register your organization is 19th September, 2020 with the race weekend on 17th and 18th October, 2020.

The pandemic has taught us an important lesson with regards to health and wellness - to keep moving forward. It’s time to help our employees focus on the positives and run towards a fresh perspective.