Productivity While Self-Quarantined

Productivity While Self-Quarantined
Image source: Google

Did you know Shakespeare wrote King Lear while he was quarantined during the plague?

In a literal pandemic, millions of us are trying to practice self-isolation while also attending to the needs of our office work and communities and trying to pretend that work and ‘the self’ are the only things that matter or exist right now.

These are the difficult times that we all are facing at the same time. While it is extremely crucial to distance yourself and stay at home completely unless its an emergency; staying indoors 24*7 can mess one’s head.

Not much of what preceded it was really normal, either, but it is fair to say that when the world is slowly descending into the unknown, any semblance of familiar routine can be a welcome reprieve: Staying in phone contact with loved ones and friends.

Here’s some of the tips how you can be productive while being sane in these testing times:

  • Catch Up on Your Reading

Everyone always seems to be complaining that they don’t have enough time to read. Isolation gives you a time to fill, and while binging on that stack of books on your nightstand.

  • Organize or clean

Cleaning may seem like the last thing someone would want to do on a free day, but studies conducted by organizations such as Psychology Today, show it can be therapeutic.

  • Meditate

If one’s feeling overly anxious or worried about the COVID-19 virus and the quarantine, one activity they might consider during their days at home is mediation. Sitting down for just a few minutes a day and doing some deep breathing, mind clearing and introspective thinking has been proven to help decrease stress levels and make people happier.

  • Catch up on your interests and passion

Be productive while others are "Netflix and chilling" and take up a new skill or your passion that you may have left behind.

Remember: Wash your hands and stay inside if you can. Even if you are young and healthy, you almost certainly know someone who isn’t, and they’re relying on you to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. And if you are feeling particularly anxious with social distancing, the disruption of regular routines, and the general unpredictability of everything that’s going on, it seems crazy and to all of us, you are not alone!