Little Boy Fighting Cancer Desperately needs Experimental Treatment as a Last Hope

Little Boy Fighting Cancer Desperately needs Experimental Treatment as a Last Hope

SANTA MONICA, CA, UNITED STATES: Who: 11 year old Kian is fighting a rare cancer. This brave boy moved to Southern California from Seattle to receive DeltaRex-G, an experimental gene targeted therapy his family hopes will cure his Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer of the heart and skeletal muscle). Kian is the YOUNGEST patient to ever receive DeltaRex-G, created over a decade ago by local scientists, Dr. Erlinda Maria Gordon and Dr. Frederick L. Hall. It is ONLY available at the Sarcoma Oncology Center in Santa Monica.

This Medicine has passed phase 2 trials and is approved by the FDA for compassionate use. Unlike chemotherapy, there are no major side effects with this drug. Kian has received several doses and is showing improvement. He needs many months more of the medicine, but unfortunately the current supply of DeltaRex-G is running out.

DeltaRex-G is supplied by the Aveni Foundation, a public charity founded by Dr. Gordon, that raises money through generous benefactors to make the medicine. It is not available through drug or insurance companies. Kian’s family started a GO FUND ME campaign and so far have raised over $60,000. They need to raise $500,000 to make another batch of Delta Rex-G. This new supply will not ONLY help Kian, but dozens of other cancer patients, including those battling pancreatic, breast and other sarcomas. Dr. Gordon can share stories of other late stage patients who are long term survivors after being treated with Delta Rex-G.

WHERE: Cancer Center of Southern California (Sarcoma Oncology Center), 2811 Wilshire Boulevard #414 Santa Monica CA 90403

WHEN: Wednesday September 22. 11am and Friday September 24, 11am.
Kian will be receiving his final doses. There will be an opportunity for b-roll along with interviews with Kian, his Mom and Dr. Gordon.