Holly Yashi Launches a Shoppable, Digital Catalog

Holly Yashi Launches a Shoppable, Digital Catalog

ARCATA, CALIFORNIA, USA: Holly Yashi launched a new website this past November and continues to move forward into the digital era with the addition of an online shoppable catalog creating new shopping experiences for its customers. This wasn’t in the marketing plan but when life throws a curveball, it calls for quick thinking.

This holiday season everyone is experiencing supply chain issues like never before. Holly Yashi designs and manufactures its jewelry in the USA. This allows Holly Yashi more control in getting customer orders out on time. While Holly Yashi does not have to worry about its inventory sitting on ships in the Pacific, the company is still affected by the current supply shortages and shipping delays.

Holly Yashi has built its brand as a catalog company. And if you ask if catalogs still work as a marketing tool, Holly Yashi will tell you, “Absolutely!” This is why huge concern arose when Holly Yashi learned of a paper shortage. To overcome this dilemma, Holly Yashi CEO Paul Lubitz made the decision to decrease the total number of catalogs to be mailed as well as the number of pages in their popular Christmas catalog. When the dust settled and the second edition of the holiday catalog was complete, the Holly Yashi team thought they were in the home stretch. They could, then, turn their attention to filling holiday orders. Instead more supply chain issues came their way…

Holly Yashi received the unfortunate news from its printing company that there were no delivery trucks available. This caused the Holiday catalog’s in-home delivery to be delayed two weeks during the company’s busiest time of year. Holly Yashi relies on these catalogs for holiday orders and to meet its year-end sales goals so the question asked by the team was, “How will we make up these numbers?”.

After a team brainstorm, Holly Yashi quickly turned around a digital catalog in only two days. Not only can this e-catalog be viewed online or on a mobile device, it is clickable making it easy for the customer to quickly find and order the products from Holly Yashi’s website. This may not seem like new technology to some, but for a company that has relied heavily on catalogs to build its business, it is this kind of problem solving that keeps Holly Yashi moving forward.

So will digital catalogs be a way of the future for Holly Yashi? The success has yet to be determined, but Holly Yashi will be the first to agree with the Tony Robbins quote, “Every problem is a gift. Without them we wouldn’t grow.”