Being a Healthy Middle-Aged Women Isn’t Always a Walk in the Park

Being a Healthy Middle-Aged Women Isn’t Always a Walk in the Park

MERIDIAN, ID, USA: Health company Microbe Formulas provides a wellness blog full of natural health topics to bring hope and health to the world. Recently, Dr. Jay Davidson and Dr. Todd Watts, co-founders of Microbe, released an article titled “Women’s Health Guide for Over 35: How to Overcome These 5 Common Concerns.”

They begin by sharing, “The choices you made in the past, along with the choices you make today, can have a profound effect on your health. Add in a dose of heredity, and you may find yourself on the fast track to less-than-ideal health.”

As we age, our bodies change and new issues may arise. Dr. Jay and Dr. Todd put together this guide of major areas middle-aged women should be aware of and suggestions to naturally support their bodies. They cover 5 common concerns, including anxiety and depression, decreased libido, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and perimenopause; along with this, the two doctors point out potential underlying root causes.

One of the concerns they mention, anxiety and depression, is a pressing topic in today’s world. In the article, the doctors recommend ways to help, such as mindfulness and seeking professional help. They also shared the unique suggestion that having a creative outlet and channeling your energy into something you enjoy can “ease depression.”

The article continues by diving into the other four common concerns, and while these issues may naturally occur as we age, the doctors emphasize that aging may not be the only cause.

Dr. Jay and Dr. Todd explain, “As we get older, we may naturally develop more health problems. But another candle on the birthday cake isn’t always to blame. Sneaky pathogens and an overload of toxins can also trigger many of these symptoms and health issues.”

They add, “Three of the lesser-known causes of the discussed health problems can be heavy metals, mold, and parasites.”

According to Dr. Jay and Dr. Todd, identifying and addressing the root cause of being unwell, such as certain pathogens, is essential to balancing your health through your mid-life and at any point in your life.

The doctors conclude, “Nearing a mid-point of your life, it’s more important than ever to take a closer look at your health. You can take steps now preemptively to make a difference in the long run.”