What's Wrong with Sitting All Day Long? Here’s the Truth!

What's Wrong with Sitting All Day Long? Here’s the Truth!
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Let’s go back to ancient times. At that time, there were no doctors who could take care of human beings. They still had lived for so many years. It means their lifestyle was somehow better than the one we are living today. Right?

Many people sit all day long for tremendous reasons. Do you think cave dwellers used to do the same? Well, there’s a big NO!

Our team has researched why sitting all day long isn’t as healthy as you think. Here are some noteworthy reasons.

  1. Weight Gain

Are you one of those people who are still thriving every day to fight weight gain? If you’re, then here’s a concern.

On a daily basis, we do many calorie-burning activities such as walking, standing, fidgeting, and even running. When a person loses energy without exercising, it’s medically called thermogenesis. Putting a full stop after such non-exercising activities often result in less usage of calories.

Do you know agricultural workers spend more than 1,000 calories per day because they stand and walk all day long?

When it comes to desk job workers, it appears that they burn around 700-800 calories in a day.


  1. Die Early

According to researches, it turned out that those who were used to sit a lot had a 22-49 percent more risk of early death as compared to those who don’t. (R1 R2)

Apart from this, a majority of evidence also claim that there’s no relation between overall mortality and sitting. (R3)

Now both studies have made it complex to understand. What would you choose?

Okay, more researches have shown that such type of sedentary lifestyle is linked with more than 30 chronic diseases.

From this indirect perspective, we can say that those who tend to sit all day long will reduce their life span.


  1. Anxiety

It’s a true fact that most of the people sit because of their computer.  

On average, desk job workers spend more than 8 hours a day in front of the computer screen. Sometimes, this number goes beyond 8.

We all know how deeply blue screen affects our sleep patterns.

In addition to this, we often end up staying busy far away from friends and loved ones. At some point, such a lifestyle makes us feel lonely, and we finally get anxious.  


  1. Wrecked Back

Seating position can put massive stress on your neck, back, and spine. It may even get worse if you love to slouch. We recommend you to get an ergonomic type of chair to reduce back pain.

No matter how comfortable your sitting position is, it’s necessary for you to walk for a minute after every 30 minutes to keep your spine aligned.


What Are You Thinking?

Are you tensed about your sitting patterns? Don’t worry. Here’s a solution that can kill your stress.

Try to move your body at work. You can use stairs, get off the bus early and walk by yourself, park far away from your office, or add any activity that assists in shaking your body.

If possible, walk after every 30 minutes. It’s a bit weird to set the alarm at the office. Why don’t you drink water more often? This will make you hit the bathroom more frequently and also keep you hydrated.

At home, you can start working on small tasks such as dishwashing, laundry, cleaning, or any anything you can imagine.