Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality
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Facing sleep difficulties can directly affect our physical as well as mental health. It can take a serious toll on our energy levels, productivity, emotional balance and even weight!

Hence, if you are one among those who regularly toss and turn during the night, and a good night’s sleep seems like an impossible goal for you to achieve, try implementing these following tips that are easy to follow and often part of our daily routine.

By following these 10 tips, you can improve the sleep pattern and be more energetic and more productive during the day.

1. Exposure to Sunlight

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During the daytime make sure to increase the exposure to bright light. Since the body has a natural time-keeping clock known as circadian rhythm, it affects the brain, body and hormones, which further helps in staying awake during the daytime as well as improves the night-time sleep quality and duration.

2. Stay Away from Blue Light

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Reduce the exposure to blue light, which electronic devices like smartphones and computers emit in large amount during night-time. The reason being it tricks your body into thinking it is the daytime. Hence, turn off any bright lights and stop watching TV two hours before heading to bed.

3. Have a Comfortable Bedroom Environment

Your bedroom’s environment is one of the key factors in getting a good night's sleep. Enhance your bedroom's environment by including temperature, noise, external lights and furniture arrangement.

The idea is to make sure your bedroom is a quiet, relaxing, clean and enjoyable place with a comfortable bed, mattress and pillows.

4. Have a Pre-sleep Routine

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To relax and clear the mind, one must follow a pre-sleep routine such as listening to relaxing music, reading a book, meditating, deep breathing and visualization.

Try out any of these relaxation techniques that could work best for you.

5. Have a Quick Shower

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A relaxing shower or bath is another popular way to sleep better. It can improve the overall sleep quality and help people fall asleep faster.

6.  Stay Away from Caffeine

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Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and can delay the timing of the body clock. Hence, it is recommended not to drink caffeine in large amount, especially in late afternoon or evening as it can stay elevated in blood for 6–8 hours and stops the body from naturally relaxing at night.

7. Reduce Irregular Short Naps

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While short power naps are beneficial, irregular napping during the day affects your sleep in the night, especially those who struggle to sleep at night. As sleeping during the daytime can confuse the internal body clock.

8. Sleep and Wake up Every Day on same Time

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Sleep and wake at consistent timings every day. Being consistent with your sleep and waking times can improve the sleep quality. Since, it helps adjust your body clock. Moreover, after practising this for several weeks, you may not even need an alarm to wake you in the morning.

9. Consult a Doctor for Sleep Disorder

Rule out a sleep disorder. Maybe an underlying health condition is the cause of your sleep problems. Hence, if you have always struggled with sleep, it may be wise to consult a doctor.

10. Exercise

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Exercise regularly. It is one of the best ways to improve sleep and health.