6 Reasons Your Woman is not happy With the Relationship

6 Reasons Your Woman is not happy With the Relationship
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Do you feel like something is retaining you from obtaining your dreamed relationship goals? Well, sometimes, it becomes impossible to feel satisfied in a relationship. This often happens to many women. If you think that your woman is not happy being with you, then you should first understand her perspective of a happy and peaceful relationship.

For almost every woman, a happy relationship is where she is listened to, cared for, and respected. This may sound very simple. But if so, then why so many women today are unable to be happy in their relationships?

While some couples prefer taking professional help in these situations, a lot of these issues can be tackled by identifying their sources of origin. First of all, you should always keep in mind that it is not just a "she" problem, but it is a "we" problem.

If you want your woman to be super happy with you and your relationship to work successfully, here are the tips that can help you to accomplish your goals. To find a solution to the issue, it is essential for you to identify why your lady is unhappy with the relationship.

  1. You Don’t Build Mutual Goals

Description: https://cdn.powerofpositivity.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/early-warning-signs-unhappy-relationship-power-of-positivity.jpg

This does not mean all the goals of your life, of course. It is okay to strive for certain things just by yourself.

However, you must discuss the goals, which you wish to accomplish together with your partner. The goal can be just going on a dinner date every weekend or buying a home or having babies together. You need to plan individual goals together and get analytical with these things.

Having something or the other to strive together for can help in reinforcing common goals.

  1. You Don’t Have a Good Friendship with Her

Description: http://www.fixyourrelationshipadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/Unhappy-relationship.jpg

If you wish to build a strong romantic relationship with your woman, its roots need to lie in friendship. You should be able to enjoy with her, irrespective of the presence of romance between both of you. Although this may appear cliché, yet you should be your partner’s best friend.

Many women feel unhappy when their man does not take time for really focusing on the friendship between them. The solution to this is simple.

Do things together that are not necessarily romantic, but make both of you enjoy. This is a sure sort way to get closer with your lady.

  1. You Don’t Reciprocate to Emotional Support

Description: https://www.deetozer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/10-mistakes-couples-make-in-relationships.jpg

Emotional support stands to be one of the essential things in a relationship. It is a kind of a non-physical intimacy that you require to have with your partner. It is a very powerful way to bring your lady closer to you.

Not giving your woman a good amount of emotional support can make her feel unloved an unwanted. Hence, as a responsible partner, you have to stay associated with your woman on an emotional level.

  1. You May Need to Improve Your Listening Skills

Description: http://howdoidate.com/wp-content/uploads/2573762303_eedd8595db_o.jpg

The society expects women to be better listeners than men. However, in a rational relationship, listening is not just the responsibility of a woman. A man has to equally keep his ears open and welcome the needs and wishes of his partner.

A responsible man must strive actually to listen to his woman and casually hear.

  1. She is not Speaking Out Her Mind

Description: https://verv.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Asian_couple-e1552641510233.jpg

Almost every man has this complaint that the women do not speak out what’s there in their minds. They rather choose to answer everything with an untruthful “fine”. They keep the actual issues bottled up.

In such a scenario, it is a man's responsibility to make his woman comfortable and provide her with the space to share everything that is in her mind. Honest and open communication is one of the biggest needs for a healthy and long-lasting relationship.      

  1. You Don’t Fight Fairly for Yourself

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Every relationship has moments when both the partners do not agree on the same point. This is quite genuine. It is a matter of fact that now two individuals can see eye-to-eye each time. However, the thing that is of the prime concern here is as to how the partners handle it.

The fight can be uglier if you feel that they have not listened properly to your concern or you have not correctly expressed yourself.

You can fight fairly for yourself, but you need to modify your visualization of the same. Rather than assuming that it is a war of wills, consider that both of you are working towards a common goal.

From not correctly expressing herself to not feeling like she is liked outside of her physical aspect, there are many reasons that can prevent a woman from being happy in and satisfied with her relationship.

Luckily, with a bit of effort and attention, you can have a lovely and comfortable partnership.